Essays on the spirit of legislation, in the encouragement of agriculture, population, manufactures and commerce. - Containing observations on the political systems at present pursued in various countries of Europe for the advancement of those essential interests. Intersperse with various remarks on the practice of agriculture. Societies of agriculture. Rewards. Bounties. The police. Luxury. Industry. Machines. Exportation. Taxes. Inoculation. Marriage. Naturalization, &c. Translated from the original French, which gained the premiums offered by the Oeconomical Society of Berne, in Switzerland, for the best compositions on this subject
- Genre
- Subscribers' lists.
- Språk
- Engelska
Förlag | År | Ort | Om boken | ISBN |
Printed by Pennington & Dodge, for William Reid, Patterson | --M,DCC,XCIX.-- 1799 | USA, Newark N.J. | 480,vii,[7]p. 8⁰. | |
Printed by Pennington & Dodge, for William Reid, no. 442, Pearl-Street, New-York | M,DCC,XCVIII. 1798 | USA, Newark N.J. | 480,vii,[5]p. 8⁰. |